International Organization for Migration | UN | Early Recovery | Yes |
International Organization for Migration | UN | Health | Yes |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | UN | Health | Yes |
United Nations Population Fund | UN | Health | Yes |
World Health Organization | UN | Health | Yes |
World Food Programme | UN | Logistics | Yes |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | UN | Nutrition | Yes |
World Food Programme | UN | Nutrition | Yes |
International Labour Organization | UN | Other | Yes |
International Organization for Migration | UN | Other | Yes |
World Food Programme | UN | Other | Yes |
World Health Organization | UN | Other | Yes |
International Organization for Migration | UN | Protection | Yes |
Palika | UN | Protection | Yes |
UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women | UN | Protection | Yes |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | UN | Protection | Yes |
International Organization for Migration | UN | Shelter | Yes |
Unied Nations Children's Fund | UN | Early Recovery | Yes |
United Nations Children's Fund | UN | Education | Yes |
United Nations Children's Fund | UN | Health | Yes |
United Nations Children's Fund | UN | Nutrition | Yes |
United Nations Children's Fund | UN | Other | Yes |
United Nations Children's Fund | UN | Protection | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | Coordination | Yes |
FAIRMED Foundation | INGO | Coordination | Yes |
Lutheran World Relief | INGO | Coordination | Yes |
Noble Compassionate Volunteer | INGO | Coordination | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Coordination | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Early Recovery | Yes |
Handicap International | INGO | Education | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Education | Yes |
UMN | INGO | Education | Yes |
Voluntary Service Overseas | INGO | Education | Yes |
World Vision International | INGO | Education | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
CARITAS | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
FAIRMED Foundation | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
UMN | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
United Mission to Nepal | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
World Vision International | INGO | Food Security | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | Health | Yes |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | Health | Yes |
Catholic Relief Services | INGO | Health | Yes |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe | INGO | Health | Yes |
FAIRMED Foundation | INGO | Health | Yes |
FHI 360 | INGO | Health | Yes |
Gates Foundation | INGO | Health | Yes |
German Nepalese Help Association | INGO | Health | Yes |
Ipas | INGO | Health | Yes |
Lutheran World Relief | INGO | Health | Yes |
Marie Stopes International | INGO | Health | Yes |
Médecins Du Monde | INGO | Health | Yes |
Mercy Corps | INGO | Health | Yes |
One Heart Worldwide | INGO | Health | Yes |
Pact | INGO | Health | Yes |
People in Need | INGO | Health | Yes |
Plan International | INGO | Health | Yes |
Population Services International | INGO | Health | Yes |
Terre Des Hommes | INGO | Health | Yes |
The Global Fund | INGO | Health | Yes |
The Global Fund / Save The Children | INGO | Health | Yes |
Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation | INGO | Health | Yes |
United Mission to Nepal | INGO | Health | Yes |
WARUN | INGO | Health | Yes |
WaterAid | INGO | Health | Yes |
World Vision | INGO | Health | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | Nutrition | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Nutrition | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | Other | Yes |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | Other | Yes |
BBC Media Action | INGO | Other | Yes |
Catholic Agency For Overseas Development | INGO | Other | Yes |
Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere | INGO | Other | Yes |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe | INGO | Other | Yes |
FAIRMED Foundation | INGO | Other | Yes |
Felm | INGO | Other | Yes |
FHI 360 | INGO | Other | Yes |
Handicap International | INGO | Other | Yes |
Helen Keller International | INGO | Other | Yes |
Ipas | INGO | Other | Yes |
Lutheran World Relief | INGO | Other | Yes |
Mercy Corps | INGO | Other | Yes |
Noble Compassionate Volunteer | INGO | Other | Yes |
One Heart Worldwide | INGO | Other | Yes |
Strengthening Systems for Better Health in Nepal | INGO | Other | Yes |
Terre Des Hommes | INGO | Other | Yes |
UMN | INGO | Other | Yes |
WaterAid | INGO | Other | Yes |
World Vision International | INGO | Other | Yes |
APEIRON | INGO | Protection | Yes |
ChildFund Japan | INGO | Protection | Yes |
ChildSafeNet | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Good Neighbors International | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Handicap International | INGO | Protection | Yes |
International Alert | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Lutheran World Relief | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Mercy Corps | INGO | Protection | Yes |
OXFAM | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Plan International | INGO | Protection | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Street Child of Nepal | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Terre Des Hommes | INGO | Protection | Yes |
UMN | INGO | Protection | Yes |
United Mission to Nepal | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Voluntary Service Overseas | INGO | Protection | Yes |
World Vision International | INGO | Protection | Yes |
Mercy Corps | INGO | Shelter | Yes |
One Heart Worldwide | INGO | Shelter | Yes |
Population Services International | INGO | Shelter | Yes |
SAVE THE CHILDREN | INGO | Shelter | Yes |
UMN | INGO | Shelter | Yes |
Action Against Hunger | INGO | WASH | Yes |