Action contre la Faim | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Action pour le Développement Economique et Social. | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Actions pour la Biodiversité et Gestion des Terroirs | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique et Social | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
CARE international | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Catholic Relief Services | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
International Emergency and Development Aid | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture of Cameroon | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Jesuit Refugee Service | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Plan International | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Première Urgence Internationale | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Service d'Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Developpement | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Solidarités International | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Union Internationale de la Conservation de la Nature | INGO | Early Recovery | No |
Action pour le Développement Economique et Social. | INGO | Education | No |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | Education | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique et Social | INGO | Education | No |
Children's Life in Rural Area | INGO | Education | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Education | No |
Community Humanitarian Emergency Board International | INGO | Education | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | Education | No |
Jesuit Refugee Service | INGO | Education | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Education | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Education | No |
Plan International | INGO | Education | No |
Street Child | INGO | Education | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Food Security | No |
Agence humanitaire Africaine | INGO | Food Security | No |
CARE international | INGO | Food Security | No |
Catholic Relief Services | INGO | Food Security | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Food Security | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Food Security | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | Food Security | No |
INTERSOS | INGO | Food Security | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Food Security | No |
Nascent Solutions | INGO | Food Security | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Food Security | No |
Plan International | INGO | Food Security | No |
Première Urgence Internationale | INGO | Food Security | No |
Solidarités International | INGO | Food Security | No |
Union Internationale de la Conservation de la Nature | INGO | Food Security | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Health | No |
Agence humanitaire Africaine | INGO | Health | No |
Catholic Relief Services | INGO | Health | No |
Chemonics International Inc. | INGO | Health | No |
Chemonics internationale | INGO | Health | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Health | No |
Cooperazione Internazionale | INGO | Health | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Health | No |
FAIRMED | INGO | Health | No |
International Medical Corps | INGO | Health | No |
Médecins Sans Frontière | INGO | Health | No |
Plan International | INGO | Health | No |
The Alliance for International Medical Action | INGO | Health | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Helen Keller International | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Hellen Keller International | INGO | Nutrition | No |
International Medical Corps | INGO | Nutrition | No |
INTERSOS | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Médecins Sans Frontière | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Plan International | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Street Child | INGO | Nutrition | No |
The Alliance for International Medical Action | INGO | Nutrition | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Other | No |
Action pour le Développement Economique et Social. | INGO | Other | No |
Actions pour la Biodiversité et Gestion des Terroirs | INGO | Other | No |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | Other | No |
African Initiatives For Relief And Development | INGO | Other | No |
Agence humanitaire Africaine | INGO | Other | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique et Social | INGO | Other | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique Environnemental et Social | INGO | Other | No |
CARE international | INGO | Other | No |
Catholic Relief Services | INGO | Other | No |
Chemonics International Inc. | INGO | Other | No |
Chemonics internationale | INGO | Other | No |
Children's Life in Rural Area | INGO | Other | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Other | No |
Community Humanitarian Emergency Board International | INGO | Other | No |
Cooperazione Internazionale | INGO | Other | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Other | No |
FAIRMED | INGO | Other | No |
Innovation Africa | INGO | Other | No |
International Alert | INGO | Other | No |
International Emergency and Development Aid | INGO | Other | No |
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture of Cameroon | INGO | Other | No |
International Medical Corps | INGO | Other | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | Other | No |
INTERSOS | INGO | Other | No |
Jesuit Refugee Service | INGO | Other | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Other | No |
Médecins Sans Frontière | INGO | Other | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Other | No |
Plan International | INGO | Other | No |
Première Urgence Internationale | INGO | Other | No |
Service d'Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Developpement | INGO | Other | No |
Solidarités International | INGO | Other | No |
The Alliance for International Medical Action | INGO | Other | No |
Union Internationale de la Conservation de la Nature | INGO | Other | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Protection | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Protection | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Protection | No |
International Medical Corps | INGO | Protection | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | Protection | No |
INTERSOS | INGO | Protection | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | Protection | No |
Médecins Du Monde | INGO | Protection | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Protection | No |
Plan International | INGO | Protection | No |
Street Child | INGO | Protection | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | Shelter | No |
Action pour le Développement Economique et Social. | INGO | Shelter | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique et Social | INGO | Shelter | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | Shelter | No |
Danish Refugee Council | INGO | Shelter | No |
International Emergency and Development Aid | INGO | Shelter | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | Shelter | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | Shelter | No |
Plan International | INGO | Shelter | No |
Première Urgence Internationale | INGO | Shelter | No |
Action contre la Faim | INGO | WASH | No |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency | INGO | WASH | No |
Association pour le Développement Economique Environnemental et Social | INGO | WASH | No |
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales - Caritas | INGO | WASH | No |
Innovation Africa | INGO | WASH | No |
Innovation Africa | INGO | WASH | No |
International Alert | INGO | WASH | No |
International Emergency and Development Aid | INGO | WASH | No |
International Rescue Committee | INGO | WASH | No |
Lutheran World Federation | INGO | WASH | No |
Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO | WASH | No |
Plan International | INGO | WASH | No |
Première Urgence Internationale | INGO | WASH | No |
Relief International | INGO | WASH | No |
Solidarités International | INGO | WASH | No |
Street Child | INGO | WASH | No |
International Organisation for Migration | UN | Coordination | No |
United Nation Department of Safety and Security | UN | Coordination | No |
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | UN | Coordination | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Coordination | No |
Food and Agriculture Organisation | UN | Early Recovery | No |
International Organisation for Migration | UN | Early Recovery | No |
United Nations Development Programme | UN | Early Recovery | No |
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | UN | Early Recovery | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Early Recovery | No |
United Nations Population Fund | UN | Early Recovery | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Early Recovery | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Education | No |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UN | Education | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Education | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Education | No |
Food and Agriculture Organisation | UN | Food Security | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Food Security | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Food Security | No |
International Organisation for Migration | UN | Health | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Health | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Health | No |
United Nations Population Fund | UN | Health | No |
World Health Organisation | UN | Health | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Nutrition | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Nutrition | No |
World Health Organisation | UN | Nutrition | No |
Food and Agriculture Organisation | UN | Other | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Other | No |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UN | Other | No |
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | UN | Other | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Other | No |
United Nations Population Fund | UN | Other | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Other | No |
World Health Organisation | UN | Other | No |
International Organisation for Migration | UN | Protection | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | Protection | No |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UN | Protection | No |
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | UN | Protection | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Protection | No |
United Nations Population Fund | UN | Protection | No |
World Food Programme | UN | Protection | No |
World Health Organisation | UN | Protection | No |
International Organisation for Migration | UN | Shelter | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | Shelter | No |
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund | UN | WASH | No |
United Nations High Commisionner for Refugees | UN | WASH | No |
World Food Programme | UN | WASH | No |